Alexander Goshen uses a rare approach to investing that seeks out challenging opportunities that others avoid to add value. We are a quick-thinking investment team that can close difficult deals quickly and successfully where others have failed because of our proprietary capital. Additionally, because every stage of each transaction is intertwined with our internal asset management team, we are able to spot operational flaws before an acquisition and successfully carry out investment theses.
The acquisitions philosophy of Alexander Goshen is to identify differentiated projects in our target markets. The experienced acquisitions staff brings strong industry relationships to bear on the deal sourcing process and grant immediate credibility with sellers of both marketed and un-marketed transactions. In addition, the existing asset base and operating platform at Alexander Goshen offers its investor access to unique market knowledge.
Currently, Alexander Goshen's development portfolio consists of several residential units, hotel, and retail spaces that we have either acquired and renovated or developed from the ground-up. From site selection and competitive analysis to design and programming, construction management, and marketing, we take a 360-degree approach to development and construction. We have been able to successfully complete new development projects in the residential, hospitality, and retail sectors thanks to our extensive knowledge of all facets of development. We approach every new development with the consumer in mind as we cost effectively transform our vision into imaginative and useful spaces.
Alexander Goshen manages all the communities it develops, which allows the firm the unique ability to ensure it delivers a project with the community in mind. This development structure provides for a better community experience and helps the process of delivering a quality product.
Alexander Goshen is continually looking for new development opportunities. If you have land for sale or are interested in a joint venture partnership, we encourage you to contact us at
Alexander Goshen provides full-scope development expertise and has the in-house experience and capabilities to handle every aspect of development, including:
Market Research
Site Selection
Feasibility Analyses / Pro-Forma Modeling
Site Acquisition
Project Design & Institutional Pro-Forma Development
Securing Entitlements
Sales & Leasing
Property Management & Operations